Tu Candela Bar
Right inside the Famous Clock Tower in Old City Cartagena (Centro)
Cartagena, , CO

7:00PM - 3:00AM


7:00PM - 3:00AM


7:00PM - 3:00AM


7:00PM - 3:00AM


7:00PM - 3:00AM


7:00PM - 3:00AM


7:00PM - 3:00AM

This is one of the primary spots to pick up prostitutes in Cartagena. It is just inside the famous clock tower and there are many prostitutes both inside and outside the club everyday of the year. The crowd is a mix of tourists and prostitutes, but it is easy to say that more than 50% of the girls in here are available for pay. Inside this club it is nice. They have an upstairs and downstairs with lots of seats around a bar area. They do not have a dance floor per se, but as the night goes on people are dancing everywhere. This is a nice club just inside the clock tower (a famous tourist spot in Centro Cartagena). They have lots of tables and chairs and a bar both downstairs and upstairs. There is no real dance floor, but people are just dancing all around their tables all night long. You will find a mix of tourists and girls here

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