Maylly Oriental Massage

In 'Harbor City Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by mack0281

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01/05/2011 01:20 pm

posts: 1

This topic refers to Maylly Oriental Massage
Maylly Oriental Massage picture

This place is like a little house with bedrooms...large rooms with mattress onthe floor for massage. Problem is that all staff is prolly collecting social security checks because they're all OLD! So, if you're into asian milfs, go here. The service is actually o.k. Clean with shower.
05/28/2011 08:16 am

posts: 17

seems like all the AMP's in so cal have only very old and worn out asian ladies!
where can i find some young,sexy and busty asian massage providers?
the only good sexy massage providers in so cal are latinas!
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