Klem 1
12/14/2012 04:47 pm

posts: 0

This is why its funny to read reviews on other sites.... I think we all know who this is "supposed" to be reviewing.... our little friend at the Meat Market.

Despite the incorrect spelling of her name.....Does this sound like her to you?

Made me laugh!

12/14/2012 06:57 pm

posts: 0

I would'nt knock down Rubmaps. I've actually gotten some pretty good leads from this new site. EMP is great but it is always nice to have other sources as well!
Klem 1
12/14/2012 07:20 pm

posts: 0

Who's knocking them? Im saying its funny the way reviews get posted..... whoever wrote this obviously either made it up - or is absolutely confused.

Im not knocking the site at all... however - that being said - its hobbyists and reviewers are nowhere near the caliber of what you'll find here... And I do see more inaccuracies on RM than I do here - based solely on my experience at the AMPs being reviewed... but that just comes with the territory.

No this post isnt a crack on RM... its a crack because its funny that this provider is portrayed as 25-30 - with a J-Lo ass!! Haha! Nothing else fits either!
12/16/2012 07:18 pm

posts: 0

Totally with you on how "off" this review is based upon my memory of repeated sessions with her, Grabby!

She's fun and puts out a helluva lot more than this reviewer got, but his description of her derriere is amusing, to say the least. I couldn't agree more with him tho on there being an absence of a strong massage technique! After the 1st "TIME" she never really figured she needed to put more than a cursory effort into any silly ol' massage! It was always about the fun with her. This reminds me it's probably been 6 months or more since I've been there!

Seems like guys are willing to go to Rubmaps sometimes, but I only briefly was on that site quite awhile back just to check it out and concur 100% in your assessment that EMP ROCKS!
12/16/2012 07:57 pm

posts: 0

my memory of her, was she was an A cup not a B cup. and not a j-lo butt. i agree RM has some good info, but observation skills are lacking with many of reviewers. Our group of mongers are much more experienced at writing reviews.
Klem 1
12/16/2012 08:14 pm

posts: 0

Kal - the a-cup in residence is another girl - much younger than Sasa - or Sasha, as this reviewer called her.

The reviewers note about her J-Lo butt is what got me laughing.... then I saw her noted age. While the reviewer places her at 25ish.... she s closer to 50ish...perhaps a tad above.
12/16/2012 11:35 pm

posts: 0

I have not been to the Meat Market in quite some time. Are the same two gals working?
I remember the young one as being the hot one
12/17/2012 12:25 am

posts: 0

your right Grabby, Sophie was the young A cup. Sasa was the older one who gave me stink finger
Klem 1
12/17/2012 12:56 am

posts: 0

There is a very little bit of rotation with the sister AMP on Auburn Blvd. But for the most part it is still Sophie, and Sasa... with the addition of Linda... who is more Sophies age - and on the cute side. Small like Sophie - but not small, like Sophie - if you know what I mean.
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