Incorrect credentials.
08/17/2010 09:38 pm

posts: 0

has any one heard of all spa sighns being removed on I 75 ?I was told all spa sighns are going to beremoved over the next few weeks.some has already be removed.I seen a few weeks back there was a lot of complaints about them.but did not hear that they where going down.but was told tonight that they are in the prosess of removen them.
08/18/2010 06:44 pm

posts: 0

goody two shoes strikes again.
08/18/2010 09:24 pm

posts: 0

got some info on it 2 sighn companys side with a group to not renew the spa sighns the group also put up the stop modern day slavary sighs up in macon as soon as i finish with what Im up to i give the names of the 2 that will not post no more sighns for the spa's i belive one is landmark the other i not sure but help some freind will lead me to both companys that wont post for them .so yes it is a group of goody two shoes.even seen picture of them after post here look in on the issue and found it about 6 months ago the went after the sighns .could not get le to do nothing so they went to the sighn companys as of then only 2 would agree to drop contracts.and not renew with the spa's
08/19/2010 08:37 am

posts: 0

Sorry to nit pick. It is SIGNS, not sighns.

Posts with all lowercase letters and little to no punctuation are as difficult to read as those with all CAPS.
08/19/2010 07:25 pm

posts: 0

Sounds to me like a good case for a discrimination lawyer !! Freedom of speach and all that 1st amendment stuff !!
08/19/2010 09:32 pm

posts: 0

Freedom of speech does not apply to privite companies. Only to the Government, the 1st amendment only protects people from having the GOVERNMENT infringe on their rights to say what they want. It does not protect you from private companies censoring or otherwise restricting what you can say. Nor does apply to the internet or forums.

Companies are free to decide that if a certain type of business does not fit with the image they want to convey, that they are allowed to not do business with them. This is why you see advertisers attacked when a spokesmodel/person does something bad, they lose their endorsement deals.
The "goody two shoes" groups always go after the advertises who do not want to be finanically impacted or have negative press. It is an effective tatic if the group has enough backing to make an impact on their business.

08/19/2010 10:03 pm

posts: 0

sorry Rock my spelling is far from good it not my best. did not make threw high school .Im a master craftsmem. got straight A's in shop class but the rest well you got the point.Thanks for the correction.should use my spell check far as the freedom of speech .dont think none of them refusen that only to sell space to them.and I ll atleast make it public here what 2 companys are guilty.just had some freinds signs pulled.and they need help replace them.figure I aint the only buisness owner here that runs adds and mabe if a few of us drop them they understand that its not there position to chose sides and do what there paid to do.dont know how many pepole traveled up and down 75 latly notice a lot of empty signs looking for customers.the spa did not even know they drop them and my apolagie for my poor gramer.
08/20/2010 12:54 am

posts: 0

Hammer , don't worry about the grammer , we all miss a few words now and then . The purpose of most of these forums , is to share info about a subject that we are interested in . I try to use proper grammer , the best I can . But as for myself , I don't mind all caps , all small ,or even some of the popular texting abbreviations . The main thing as far as I'm concerned is that the intel be good , and/or useful
08/20/2010 08:58 pm

posts: 0

hammer1 don't sweat it, I was just picking nits. No big deal. I thought you were intentionally misspelling that to be funny. So please do not take offense.
08/20/2010 09:19 pm

posts: 0

hey Rock, most of us, i for sure did not have the luxury of graduating Yale or Harvard, we are just a bunch of hard working stiffs, looking for a little pleasure in life. i for one know that i read my reply but then i still make mistakes. this i can laugh off its the big things like when my favorite spot gets hit, but when you get kicked in the ass you get up and start again. i've had a lot of hits in my soon to be 74 years but still can run with the pack. certainly don't feel like it and am told i damn sure don't act or look it. if you play it right everything keeps working great. hang in there gentlemen.
08/20/2010 11:50 pm

posts: 0

lmao!!!! Rock no was not try to be funny.can't spell for a sh@@@#t !! always work with my hands build some bad ass shit but cant spell.and bother me never Einstine could spell either aint never let it worry me Most of the time I get my point across .may take a minite or two to figure out but i get close. thanks for the laugh
08/20/2010 11:52 pm

posts: 0

Things are really drying up in this state...I think we all better enjoy it while it lasts, fellas. The BEST place in Alabama (Yoshiko) just got busted too! SC and NC have always sucks. So looks like soon, we all might be driving to FL!
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