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09/01/2010 02:55 pm

posts: 0

I dont know why everyone get so mad when somone gets busted. since it is illegal and immoral. what if you are with one of them having a Good time and they get busted? just lets your wife know you dont love or care for or respect her or yourself. I am a sorry male too. I cheat on my wife who is a sweet caring loving wife and never rejects me. I think she may have the law following me too.
09/01/2010 07:13 pm

posts: 0

I am single , and don't think that it is immoral !! I take offense to your statement . I think that it should be treated here in the US as it is other places . There are many countries that legalize it , and try to have some control over it . I just saw on another site , that one country built stalls for the johns to pull their cars into , for a little privacy . Now that's what I call service !!
09/01/2010 11:29 pm

posts: 0

donaldgw, you're topic is interesting and I'm trying to figure you out. As I read your topic, not only are your new and "Green" to this hobby but insecure about the consequences you might face too. With me being single like redskinzzfans, it keeps the pressure off us from not being tied down. Sure it's illegal and immoral but if we were perfect, there would be a set of wings attached to our backs . At least you admit that you're caught in the middle. I don't mean to be sarcastic but take your guilt to a confessional booth and not here on the site . If you're going to carry a guilt(and some wives can read their husbands like a book)and the paranoia of being followed by the LE, then let me give you some advice. Get out of this hobby before you trip over yourself . Now in my opinion, I don't think it should be legalized as most Asian countries that do legalize it, the HIV, Aids and other sexual diseases are much higher. I say it's good the way it is.
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