Provider May at Massage Therapy Company beyond words

In 'Granger Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by walterarcher

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04/12/2013 07:41 am

posts: 2

Has anyone else out there had a massage from May at Massage Therapy Company? If not, drop whatever you are doing and get yourself over there at once.
She is cute, pretty, and sexy at the same time. She has a sweet smile, sexy eyes, short red hair to drive you wild, a great slender body with bulges just where you would want them, and an unbelieveable ass. I might pay $60 for a hour of just looking at her, without any massage at all!
When the massage begins, she starts singing with the music and the teasing begins, too. A word to the wise...take things slow if you want them to go far!
I would tell more but I am afraid I will never get an appointment with her again if I do. She will be booked solid permanently!!!
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