New Massage Places on 87th

In 'Wichita Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by asianwarrior

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03/20/2012 09:59 am

posts: 0

There are a couple new massage joints over on 87th Street west of I-35. One is called Royal Massage in a strip mall near where the old Gengis Kahn used to be.

The other is across the street near the Holy Land Cafe. Anybody tried these places? Know anything? Anybody? Ferris? Anybody?
03/20/2012 10:06 am

posts: 0

03/20/2012 10:08 am

posts: 0

Do you know if they have a foot massage area? If they do that generally means they will massage your stinky feet but not your freshly washed junk.
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