chance of catching something unwanted

In 'Elkridge Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by verigo50

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05/16/2009 07:56 am

posts: 0

ok, I know that I'll probably get flamed for this one but I'm looking for opinions about STDs. I'm an older married guy and love the AMP scene in MD.

I see a lot of yes comments for lick the kitty, ass licking and so forth.
I've had some ladies put it out there for me and as tempted as I've been I've never taken the bait. I want to but I'm afraid of bringing something back to my wife. "Honey I've got oral Gono and won't be kissing you for a couple of weeks" I've heard that you can catch hepB from ass licking.

Any comments?

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