looking for a nice trip to russia

In 'Elkridge Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by ttfuc

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09/27/2009 10:19 pm

posts: 0

I love a good russian trip, but find it hard to fine. Any suggetions?
09/27/2009 10:22 pm

posts: 0

What is a Russian trip?
09/27/2009 10:25 pm

posts: 0

check out my name
09/28/2009 08:02 am

posts: 0

All the ladies are equipped to do so at Rising Sun ask and find out. I'm curious to know if they'll do it Ive never asked but I might if its possible so let us know.
11/02/2009 05:24 pm

posts: 0

Kay at Silk (used to be 21 Therapist off of US Rte 1 and MD Rte 32) has a huge rack and would do it....twice if you told her up front you wanted to go twice. Haven't been there in about 18 mos...not sure if she is still there.
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