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05/05/2012 05:00 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Chang Mi Sauna
Chang Mi Sauna picture

Well the quiet had to die, and the infighting was bound to come back. I guess it was too much to ask for the drama to be over. It a way at least it is entertaining. So i ask you all, be you kings or men with books or guys who only want to talk trash, do it here and let the rest of the forum be used to talk about spa's and providers.
05/08/2012 07:11 am

posts: 0

frank69 wrote:
Well the quiet had to die, and the infighting was bound to come back. I guess it was too much to ask for the drama to be over. It a way at least it is entertaining. So i ask you all, be you kings or men with books or guys who only want to talk trash, do it here and let the rest of the forum be used to talk about spa's and providers.

Yes Frank, the jackasses will rise up and rule the world. And I will lead them. And I will lead the parade of Feds tailing me. They're gathering intell for the coming court case. They even follow me to the MVOC meetings.
You think this is drama, wait until the Feds show up at your house and WARN you! That's drama.

The sky is falling my friends.
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