Incorrect credentials.
El Diablo
07/04/2011 08:02 am

posts: 0

Jim Bob wrote:
3 days still no reviews on any site.

And yet more reviews on Fantacy...hummmmmmmmm.
El Diablo
07/04/2011 08:03 am

posts: 0

Jim Bob wrote:
Wad man knows all.

And that's why you suck up to him because of his Wad.
El Diablo
07/04/2011 09:10 am

posts: 0

Jim Bob wrote:
Not all of them as glowing as yours though.

So, to each their own. If they're that concern about English then they missed out on the real faction. They just need to really pay attention and then they can get past the language barrier. You have to give a little to get a little.
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