Life Spa in El Paso ripe for a bust.

In 'San Antonio Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by andyburt

Incorrect credentials.
12/03/2011 12:34 am

posts: 0

This topic refers to Joy Spa
Joy Spa picture

Have a friend in law enforcement who mentioned that Life Spa is being staked out and a bust is sure to come. With Lucy and Coco wanting $50.00 for special favors they asked the wrong dude and now it is on the map. Be careful!
12/04/2011 08:53 pm

posts: 0

andyburt wrote:
Have a friend in law enforcement who mentioned that Life Spa is being staked out and a bust is sure to come. With Lucy and Coco wanting $50.00 for special favors they asked the wrong dude and now it is on the map. Be careful!

Get over it already. You posted a bad review move on. No reason for you to dwell on the bad experience or try to 'revenge' it. That is bad hobby karma. Even if you have a bad experience, YOU NEVER TALK TO LE, good friend or not. Karma dictates that if this spa closes due to your complaint to a LE friend, when it comes back around to you, you will be in another spa when LE enters and caught in the act. Good luck with that.
12/23/2011 11:34 pm

posts: 0

Andyburt got Owned by The Rock. Oopsie.
04/29/2012 09:22 pm
02/14/2013 01:19 pm

posts: 0

Eva....tell me that is not a pic of your favorite provider.
Klem 1
02/14/2013 01:55 pm

posts: 0

Eva asked me to tell you ","

So there!

02/18/2013 12:04 pm

posts: 0

Kinda butch
02/18/2013 12:37 pm

posts: 0

BrunoBraun wrote:
Kinda butch

Butch geek look
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