05/14/2010 02:39 pm

posts: 0

Vivi Spa


Cash and Visa/MasterCard are accepted.
Business hours: Monday-Sunday 9:30am to 9pm
PHONE : 540-878-5169
Address : 294 W LEE HWY #202 WARRENTON VA 20186

I've been once and have submitted it as a new MP, with a review, but it has yet to show up. How long does it take before a new MP is accepted by this site? ,

The place is very new and very clean. It does have a TS. I recommend it.
05/15/2010 08:00 am

posts: 0

Normally it is immediately added. I expect you didn't input correctly. If you still can't find it maybe you can try to add it again.
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