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07/29/2011 01:16 pm

posts: 0

So I'm going to try this whole AMP thing again after my first failed attempt and I have a couple questions on tipping. Also, I'm thinking of going to Panda in Federal Way as something closer to a sure thing. I'd appreciate people's thoughts on that as well.

I've seen it mentioned a couple times that it's a good idea is to put the tip out on the table at the beginning. Is that what most do?

Is there any difference in a 30 vs. a 60 min session? Does that change the tip amount at all?

When going to a place that offers FS, can you tip less for less service or is that generally not possible? Can you still get a HJ for $40-$60 at these places?

Thanks all!
07/29/2011 02:45 pm

posts: 0

There have been a few threads on going to AMPs for "noobs", which I poured over in detail before getting started and they helped a lot. From those, here's what I found to be the most useful advice:

1. Always say you've been there before when they ask, no matter what. Be prepared with a couple of names of other providers they have so you can say you've seen them.

2. Lay the cash out upfront, by your keys. This way it's obvious to them that you have it, but you haven't necessarily *given it* to them yet.

3. Don't put the towel over your body. Might be uncomfortable if you haven't done this before, but trust me, the towel over you signals to them that you don't know what you're doing.

4. Always take a shower if they ask if you want one. If you don't know if they have a shower, arrive clean and well dressed.

5. Don't grope too much, or at all. I think this annoys them. Instead, just use your body language and voice to let them know when they are doing something right.

That's pretty much it. For places that get good reviews on this board, I have always been successful on the first visit using these tactics.
07/31/2011 08:04 pm

posts: 0

kinda disagree with that. I NEVER put my money out. I say its my first time if it is. I don't use names unless I've been there. I also have never had a bad experience. =) the money on the table/knees thing is kinda your own preference, for me I don't like not having mine. Just think if you already saw you got your paycheck would you work as hard? I tip different amounts (never less than 40 for a hj). I think the just saying here's your money stroke my dick is kinda a insult... I put the towel over me. Sometimes they'll take it off or leave it. Doesn't indicate anything about what you want. You don't have to ALWAYS SHOWER. Idk about you but if I'm going to a place I'm already clean. If you show up after work yeah do a quick rinse. Its not a have to thing. Totally right on the groping thing, I mean its not luke keeping your hands to yourself but just relax and get a massage. They put my hands on there body when they want too. Be the nervous new guy, it works great for me. The girls can explain this to you way better than we can.
08/01/2011 12:48 am

posts: 0

I agree with Used13 on most of his points. The only thing I might disagree on is the shower. Most first timers and some old hands get a little nervous when they go to an AMP. When you get nervous you tend to sweat and it doesn't matter if you were super clean when you left home you are still going to smell like sweat. Take the shower if offered, it cleans and relaxes. Money on the table, no way. Most of these ladies know what they have to have. The anticipation and their first moves in that direction are half the fun.
08/10/2011 02:45 am

posts: 0

I will add a few of my own pointers:

1. I don't put the money up front, because sometimes you will surprised that you could pay less. For example $200 seems to be the going rate for FS, but there are places where you can get it for $180 or $160. Hey I work hard for my money, $20 is $20. Unlike the Escort places where you put the money in the envelope, here there is usually a silent (sometimes a verbal) agreement of some sort after the flip as to how much what will cost.

2. Second, I have never lied about going to a new place before, the girls have pretty good memories for faces and if you say you've seen Crystal, and she happens to be there and doesn't recognize you, BUSTED. Instead, I give the names of some other AMP's I've been to. If you are a noob, just take one or two that you see a good success rate from on this site and drop the name. Much less likely to get busted that way.

3. Take the shower. For a couple of reasons. I saw a gal near Southcenter who would work up up my leg, and then with every stroke run her oily fingers up my balls and up over my rectum toward the middle of my back. I was glad I had showered, so there was no residual to be spread around if you know what I mean. Also I find Asian women much more fastidious about cleanliness than American girls. If you shower, they are more likely to treat you better.

4. Don't put the towel over yourself. That's your signal to her that you know the score.

5. Don't grope, but the odd friendly touch will let you know what's up. If she kneels next to your arm, stroke her calf or thigh, see how she reacts.
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